Saturday, April 13, 2013


What If You Lived In A World Dominated By Fear
What would it look AND FEEL like?

As we live and breathe in today’s world, it may not be so obvious to most of us that we are living in a world heavily dominated by Fear.  Looking round, it appears that we have almost unlimited freedom to reasonably express ourselves in discussions, movements and various activities.  Generally, unless we have broken some societal rules, there is no one forcibly prohibiting our self-expression. We can associate with anyone we choose, live where want, buy whatever strikes our fancy, etc. However, I see this very world a little differently.  I see that we live in a world deeply dominated by Fear, of which few seem to notice.  The see through doors of our prison cells are on display in public view but we see not that we are on FEAR Lock Down.
Fear Lock Down is telling me that if I don’t have an education or a decent job, I cannot participate in society. I need a good education and a job, so I can make money and live like everyone else or really, to live better than most. This is why I need an education and then a job.  The threat and fear here is that my education and job are tied into the fact that something unpleasant will happen if I don’t achieve these goals for my future.  Where is the joy of learning because I can and want to learn or working because I’m doing something I enjoy doing?
Once I am secure in my job, I will work hard to establish a good credit rating.  Having a good credit rating makes living worthwhile.  I can then buy more and more things and work harder and harder to pay for the things.  Of course, I realize that if I slip and get behind on payments, I will jeopardize my good credit rating.  When the numbers on my credit rating drop, in the future, I will be charged higher interest rates.  And there are those, who will see my credit rating has dropped and they will besiege me with ongoing, unsolicited opportunities to get even more credit at higher and higher interest rates.
I must have insurance for my house.  I need also to insure my car, my health and insure my life so those left after I die will not suffer or they will have more than when I was alive.  Yes, I must have insurance on my credit cards and anything else that I value.  If I don’t have insurance, the right kind or enough of it, I will be unprotected if something happens to me or to any of my things. 
Do I enter an agreement to have insurance to protect me with a sense of joy or out of fear that if I don’t have it, something may happen and I will regret not having insurance?.  Am I assured when I take out the policy that the company will pay my claims fairly and righteously without raising my premiums or me having to engage an attorney? 
Will I be able to really trust that the attorney is looking out for me or just for his/her own interest? 
I’m a well-known celebrity.  I love this person to death, to day.  Can I marry her without a prenuptial agreement?  Does love mean if this person doesn’t sign a prenuptial agreement I cannot marry her, because after all, if she doesn’t sign it, doesn’t this prove that she really doesn’t love me but is just after my money?  How does she feel, knowing I don’t fully trust her or don’t trust from the beginning that the marriage will last?
Today, many believe we live in one of the most progressive and technically advanced civilization to grace planet Earth.  Daily, hourly via television, I can learn of awesome medicines which may save me from certain ailments and yet, these wonderful medicines can also create other conditions including death, which was not on the table prior to taking this medicine.  And I’m noticing, while I’m being informed of the possible dangerous side effects of the medicine, the sponsors are showing pictures of engaged, active people laughing, talking, doing things as the voice in the background explains more insidious side effects that may occur.  Am I deaf and can’t hear the words or is it true that a picture is worth a thousand words?  Did the words at the beginning of the clip frighten me or filled me with joy that now I can actually have relief from my suffering?  Medicines that don’t heal but must be taken for the rest of my life ------- who are the real drug dealers?
I could go on and on with examples of the Fear Lock Down under which we are living now.  My point in this discourse is simply to ask you to begin to question the WHY behind whatever it is that you’re doing.  Are you doing it out of anticipation of joy or are you doing it based upon fear?. In the end, Fear begets fear and joy begets joy. 
Challenge yourself to really begin to notice and monitor throughout the day, what you are feeling as you hear or see seemingly different messages, directed to you, the public whether it’s via TV, the internet,  newspapers, cell phones, conversations with friends, etc.  Let yourself become aware of what you are feeling as you think and consider what it is you want to achieve, what or who you want to have in your life.  Are you planning from a thought/feeling based upon fear of the future or from simple joy that you’d like to have or to accomplish this, just because you can?.
As you hear messages coming to you from here, there and everywhere, truly understand what is really being directed your way day-in-day out.  Does it have to be this way?  Are you helpless in being bombarded with these messages? What is the price that you’re paying to take in Fear based messages?
No, it doesn’t have to be this way.  Everything begins with one person, YOU.  If you recognize you’re feeling fear, being overwhelmed, tired of hearing it again and again, begin saying to yourself the word “fear” as you listen to something on TV or walk away from a conversation.  When you say to yourself the word “Fear,” you’re actually dismissing the message.  Stating the word begins to breakdown the hypnotism of entertaining the message and/or absorbing it into your energy field.  When you energetically absorb such messages, overtime they siphon your energy, block creative thinking and create stress, resulting in mental, emotional and physical blockages.
The absence of Fear leaves the mind and body relaxed and open to greater expressions of joy, laughter and well-being. Know and FREE yourself from the man-made prison of FEAR Lock Down.